What is the Central Committee and what is a Precinct Captain?
They are the same thing! The Central Committee is made up of one Democrat per precinct and these people are sometimes referred to as the Precinct Captains. This group of people collectively are the “Medina County Democratic Party”. Every four years during the Presidential Primary Election, people are voted to fill a precinct position for the Party.
What about the Executive Committee?
The Executive Committee is a subgroup of the Central Committee. The Executive Committee members are elected by the Central Committee members during an organizational meeting held after the Presidential Primary (every four years).
What does the Central Committee do? What does the Executive Committee do?
The Central Committee is the grassroots leadership of the Party. The first action of the Central Committee is to elect the Officers (Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary & Treasurer). Then they elect the Executive Committee (15 people). When the Executive Committee first meets, they elect their officers (Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary & Treasurer). These may be the same or different people.
The Executive Committee runs the day-to-day operations of the Party for the County. They can appoint four more members to the Executive Committee, make endorsements in local races, and appoint individuals to open Precinct positions. They organize events and fundraisers, support candidates for office and appoint Board members for the Board of Elections.
The Central Committee appoints Democrats in the case of vacancies in some public offices [such as county office]. Ideally each Central Committee person gets to know the democrats in their precinct to keep them informed of what is going on with the party, such as our candidates, events, and issues. CLICK HERE for other activities a Central Committee member may perform.
How do I become a Central Committee Member?
You run for it! Every four years in the Presidential Primary election the Democratic voters in Medina County elect all Central Committee members. The candidates for Central Committee appear on the Democratic ballot. The candidate with the most votes wins the election for their particular precinct. When there is a vacancy in a precinct, the Executive Committee can also appoint an individual to the Central Committee.
How do I become a candidate for Central Committee Member?
First you should contact the Medina County Democratic Party ([email protected], 330-410-9905), who can help you through this process. You must be a registered Democratic Voter in Medina County. Fill out Form 2-M, Declaration of Candidacy, and turn it into the Medina County Board of Elections by the filing deadline.
When is the deadline?
You must submit Form 2-M, your Declaration of Candidacy, to the Medina County Board of Elections by 4 PM, 90 days prior to the Presidential Primary election.
They are the same thing! The Central Committee is made up of one Democrat per precinct and these people are sometimes referred to as the Precinct Captains. This group of people collectively are the “Medina County Democratic Party”. Every four years during the Presidential Primary Election, people are voted to fill a precinct position for the Party.
What about the Executive Committee?
The Executive Committee is a subgroup of the Central Committee. The Executive Committee members are elected by the Central Committee members during an organizational meeting held after the Presidential Primary (every four years).
What does the Central Committee do? What does the Executive Committee do?
The Central Committee is the grassroots leadership of the Party. The first action of the Central Committee is to elect the Officers (Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary & Treasurer). Then they elect the Executive Committee (15 people). When the Executive Committee first meets, they elect their officers (Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary & Treasurer). These may be the same or different people.
The Executive Committee runs the day-to-day operations of the Party for the County. They can appoint four more members to the Executive Committee, make endorsements in local races, and appoint individuals to open Precinct positions. They organize events and fundraisers, support candidates for office and appoint Board members for the Board of Elections.
The Central Committee appoints Democrats in the case of vacancies in some public offices [such as county office]. Ideally each Central Committee person gets to know the democrats in their precinct to keep them informed of what is going on with the party, such as our candidates, events, and issues. CLICK HERE for other activities a Central Committee member may perform.
How do I become a Central Committee Member?
You run for it! Every four years in the Presidential Primary election the Democratic voters in Medina County elect all Central Committee members. The candidates for Central Committee appear on the Democratic ballot. The candidate with the most votes wins the election for their particular precinct. When there is a vacancy in a precinct, the Executive Committee can also appoint an individual to the Central Committee.
How do I become a candidate for Central Committee Member?
First you should contact the Medina County Democratic Party ([email protected], 330-410-9905), who can help you through this process. You must be a registered Democratic Voter in Medina County. Fill out Form 2-M, Declaration of Candidacy, and turn it into the Medina County Board of Elections by the filing deadline.
When is the deadline?
You must submit Form 2-M, your Declaration of Candidacy, to the Medina County Board of Elections by 4 PM, 90 days prior to the Presidential Primary election.